Privacy Policy

Your Pets & Your Privacy, Our Priority: A Trusted Store with Heart.

Privacy Policy

We take the protection of your privacy very seriously at PetsEssentials. We have implemented several security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data. Here are some ways we protect your information:
Secure Connection:
Our site offers secure connection to ensure that the data you enter remains private and secure through a TLS (Transport Layer Security), also known as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This establishes a secure connection between your browser and our server, ensuring that the data transmitted is private and inaccessible to unauthorized parties.
Payment Security:
We partner with trusted and reputable payment gateway providers who are certified as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliant. All payment transactions made on the site are processed securely, with stringent measures to protect the credit card and other financial information.
We do not sell or share our customers’ personal information with any third parties unless required to do so legally. We collect and store information about the pages viewed by our website visitors. We use this data to identify visitor behavior which will help us to improve the overall site experience. We are not responsible for the Privacy Policy content on sites linked to, such as manufacturer’s sites. collects a certain amount of information from our customers and visitors to our website. We do this for the effective running of our day-to-day business and to improve your experience with We know that keeping your personal information private is very important, so we do this responsibly and in accordance with Canadian law. Maintaining your confidence in us is our priority.